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Welding Fabrication Standards.pdf下载

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  • 更新时间:2019-10-21
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Welding Fabrication Standards专题简介

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    Welding Fabrication Standards Welding Fabrication Standards

    土木工程资料网提供资料下载,包括:建筑规范、施工设计图纸、方案、范本/考试资料、建筑图等资料,有pdf,word,ppt,CAD文件。Welding Fabrication Standards的结果最多显示10条记录,如果需要查询更多,请使用网站顶部的搜索功能。

    During the year 2004, workshops regarding the “Leonardo Continued Project” where held in certain
    European Countries with the participation of experts from the welding industry in order to identify
    the competence profile, knowledge and experience requirements for welding engineers and
    inspectors. The main purpose of the project was to develop appropriate continuous education tools
    such as training courses (classroom instruction, distance learning) and education on the job.
    The initial education, qualification and certification of welding and inspection personnel itself has
    been harmonised by the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF). However,
    an accessible, convenient and reliant modular method to deliver the appropriate knowledge has to
    be developed in order to maintain and upgrade this knowledge and develop appropriate skills for
    which welding engineers and inspectors are called for by the industry.
    This leads to the set up of learning tools to integrate and update the knowledge already achieved
    by the qualified personnel, in order to follow the technology trends in the welding field, avoiding
    duplication of training items with the previous education achieved with the IIW/EWF courses.
    In this framework The Italian institute of welding (Istituto Italiano della Saldatura - IIS), has
    developed • the following educational tools for the classroom instruction:
    − slide presentation through computer projector, to be used by teachers during the training
    − books (electronic and/or paper format), to be used by participants;
    − exercise questions, to be used during classroom instruction.
    This book is therefore meant to provide direct and clear information on European standards
    relevant to welding fabrication, as these are subject to continuous updating; therefore knowledge
    of requirements of the standards is to be considered basic knowledge for welding co-ordinators
    and inspection personnel.
    Moreover this book has been recently integrated taking into consideration guidelines produced by
    EWF for the application of ISO 3834 requirements, produced after several years of experience of
    its members in technical assistance on the field of welding fabrication, education and training of
    welding and NDT personnel and in certification of welded products manufacturers